Selling for a luxury brand
Luxury brands need to excel in their customer relations. The sales assistant therefore plays a key role in the brand’s image and must provide flawless service. Meeting the demands of a luxury customer base means setting aside many of the principles of traditional sales. Find out how to have a different experience of sales!
The sales assistant: a true brand ambassador
In the luxury sector, the sales assistant is a true brand ambassador. To become a sales assistant for a luxury brand, you need to be able to communicate the value of the products and the brand’s culture. Luxury brands do not recruit large numbers of people, they want sales assistants with a perfect understanding of luxury sector codes as well as a strong personality. The qualities they look for are generally good listening skills, attentiveness, unfailing energy and strong motivation.
Teamwork skills essential
To become a sales assistant in the luxury sector, you need to have good teamwork skills. Sales assistants must not compete with one another, but should work together as a team and be prepared to help one another. Luxury stores do not want to see sales assistants fighting over a potential buyer. However, sales assistants need to be able to turn to customers with a personality that suits them. Customers will spend a lot of time with the sales assistant and must be able to trust them. t is not unusual to see customers wanting to deal with their personal sales assistant only and waiting until they are available. Sales assistants develop alongside their customers and must be able to advise them on all products.
Obtain specific luxury store sales training
The Higher Institute of Luxury Marketing offers a programme that meets the demands of the luxury market, with young graduates who have sales profiles adapted to the challenges of the third millennium. To be trained in luxury sales or management, applicants must be flexible, cultivated, charismatic as well as multi-lingual, tech-savvy and multi-cultural. Sup de Luxe focuses on passing on interpersonal skills and expertise. Along with rigorous academic training in business fundamentals, students will regularly have the opportunity to meet professionals in the luxury sector. After three years of training, the Luxury Bachelor’s Degree opens doors to jobs as a sales assistant, but also visual merchandiser, retail coordinator or store manager.
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