
How Parcoursup works


Parcoursup is open to future baccalaureate holders since December 20 and will close on April 6. To register, it is necessary to provide a valid email address which can be that of the parents or the main teacher.

High school students who wish to register for the first year must have their INE (Identifiant National Élève) number and a valid email address. With this number, some data is pre-filled, which simplifies the process. However, do not hesitate to correct any errors.

Find out more



To select the programs that interest you, you must log in to your file and click on the Add a wish button to access the program search engine.

Once you have reached the wish list stage, you will need to provide a detailed explanation in the “reasoned educational plan” section. This is a cover letter that admissions officers will have access to when reviewing your application.

Once you have entered all the information, click on “I save”.

Please note: to be able to join EDC Paris Business School, you must register at SESAME Competition.

Discover the terms and conditions HERE

I am applying    Calendar SESAME competition


If the closing date for applications is March 9, you will still have until April 6 to confirm these and provide the necessary documents for your application, including cover letters. For each confirmed wish, the class council establishes an “Avenir” form that you can consult on Parcoursup yourself.

Attention: you have until April 6 to pay your registration fees for the SESAME competition

I am applying    Calendar SESAME compeition


The answers from the higher education institutions will be sent to you from June 1st. If you want to be informed in real time, download the application on your smartphone. Notifications are also sent by email and via the platform’s internal messaging system.

Hurry: you will only have 5 days to respond to the proposals you receive before the break for the baccalaureate exams, and 3 days to accept or refuse those you receive after. If you receive proposals between August and September, you will have two days to react.

In a few clicks, you will indicate whether you accept or decline the higher education institution’s proposal.


  • Opening of Parcoursup: December 20, 2022
  • Registration and formulation of wishes: from January 18 to March 9, 2023
  • Finalization of applications and confirmation of wishes: from March 10 to April 6, 2023
  • Payment of registration fees for the SESAME competition: from March 10 to April 6, 2023
  • Beginning of the answers of the establishments: from June 1 to July 13, 2023
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