Student Accommodation

You will discover all the different types of offers available on the market (student residences along with accommodations and rooms in private homes offered by private owners). You can now access 120,000 offers in France as well as find what you need in more than 200 cities around the world. In addition, you will benefit from exclusive offers posted by the partner private owners of the school. Each listing is checked and reviewed. The ranking is based on the score obtained. The online booking process simplifies both access to accommodation and transactions with landlords.
It provides: secured transactions, online contract signature, home insurance and rental guarantee coverage.
Students benefit from a telephone helpline in 6 languages,
available 6 days a week (7 days a week from June to September). housing.edcparis.edu Student without any French guarantor ? Reassure the owner by taking-out a rental payment guarantee,
- Accédez à des milliers de logements de propriétaires privés, résidences étudiantes et agences immobilières.
- Etudiant(e) sans garant résidant en France ? Student without any French guarantor ? Reassure the owner by taking-out a rental payment guarantee, either from STUDAPART, when booking online your housing at housing.edcparis.edu Or from GARANTME, who grant a €35 special discount to our students (to benefit from it, enter the promotional code provided by the school). Before making your choice between the 2 offers, discuss it with your lessor.
Log into the platform by clicking on “Tenant space” and use your school’s login credentials.
Log into the platform by clicking on “Tenant space” and create an account by entering your personal email address and the enrolment key provided by the school.
You can post ads directly on the platform https://edcparis.studapart.com/fr and then click on “Owner’s space”.
(*) This platform is entirely managed by the STUDAPART company and is made available to you free of charge. For this reason, the school does not accept any responsibility for the quality of the offers or the consequences that may result from them.
GARANTME vous apporte une garantie pour favoriser l’acceptation de votre dossier par le propriétaire. Les étudiants de l’école bénéficient d’une réduction de % sur le montant du pack garant. Vous pouvez souscrire directement sur leur site garantme.fr en quelques minutes.
Ceux qui réservent leur logement via la plateforme housing.edcparis.edu disposent du choix entre les garanties proposées par STUDAPART et par GARANTME, à discuter avec leur futur propriétaire.
Avantages : vous bénéficiez d’abord d’une remise de 25% sur les frais de dossier pour les résidences situées en Ile-de-France, 50% les frais de dossier pour les résidences Province. De plus, votre dossier sera traité de manière prioritaire
Conditions d’obtention : réservez votre logement directement sur www.studelites.com en indiquant le nom de votre école. Les résidences les plus proches de votre campus sont:
- L’AIGLON 145 Boulevard National 92500 Rueil Malmaison
- LE STADIUM 117 Rue d’Estienne d’Orves 92500 Rueil Malmaison
Remarques : Pour être certain d’obtenir un logement à un tarif intéressant dans leurs résidences à Paris et en proche banlieue, le réseau Studelites conseille de réserver dès le 1er aout pour une location à partir du 1er septembre.
Visale is a system financed by the Action Logement Group, previously known as the Caution Locative Étudiante and managed by the Crous.
The system has remained the same. It is an aid that will play the role of guarantor when setting up your rental file with the owner of your accommodation (within the limit of 36 monthly payments).
Note that the Visale guarantee works for rents up to 1,300 euros (1,500 euros for Paris). There are cheaper insurances than others, even if you have to check that the insurance is not only low, but that the deductibles are not too high in case of a claim.
Avantages : vous bénéficiez d’un accès prioritaire à la location des logements situés dans les résidences d’Ile de France. Vous pourrez aussi disposer d’un transfert de logement au sein du réseau Studea sans frais supplémentaires. Enfin, une réduction de 50€ vous sera offerte sur les frais administratifs pour toute signature d’un contrat de location d’une durée minimale d’un an.
Conditions d’obtention : Adressez votre demande de logement à la centrale de réservation [email protected] ou +33
Les résidences plus proches de votre campus sont :
- Grande Arche 56 Avenue de l’Arche 92400 Courbevoie
- Lilas d’Espagne 30 Rue des Lilas d’Espagne 92400 Courbevoie
- Léonard de Vinci 4 Allée Botticelli 92400 Courbevoie
Avantages : pendant la haute saison ( du 1er juin au 31 août de chaque année), vous pourrez accéder de manière prioritaire aux appartements réservés à nos étudiants, si votre demande de logement est reçue par le réseau les Estudines avant le 10 Juillet et votre contrat de location démarre au plus tard le 01 aout suivant.
En dehors de la haute saison, vous bénéficierez d’une priorité sur les logements disponibles.
Conditions d’obtention : réservez directement votre logement sur www.estudines.com, en indiquant le nom de votre école.
Les résidences plus proches de votre campus sont :
- Grande Arche 11 Allée des Tilleuls 92400 Courbevoie
- Nanterre Université 201 Allée d’Aquitaine 92000 Nanterre
- Paris Nanterre 50 Rue des Vignes 92000 Nanterre
Afin de vous assurer du traitement prioritaire, notifiez votre demande de logement aux deux superviseurs dont les emails sont [email protected] et [email protected] . Mettez-les aussi en copie de votre envoi de dossier et de vos échanges avec les chargés de location.
En sus des milliers d’offres mises à votre disposition sur la plateforme housing.edcparis.edu qui vous est dédiée, vous pouvez aussi considérer celles proposées par www.spotahome.com.
Elles visent à fournir une information complète sur les logements par des photos, plans au sol, voire vidéos commentées. www.spotahome.com vous offre 25% de réduction sur les frais de réservation.
Il vous suffit juste d’insérer le code promo fourni par l’école, à la fin du processus de réservation.
Vous êtes à la recherche d’une chambre ou d’un studio, privilégiez la solution CEP entraide étudiants, l’association d’aide au logement étudiant.
Découvrez dès maintenant toutes les informations sur notre site partenaire : https://www.logements-etudiants.org
Most of them are run by major groups (Les Estudines, Nexity Studea, Studélites, Fac-habitat, Suitétudes…).
We will soon inform you of the many partnerships established with residences based near our campus. Most of these residences can be booked via our platform.
They will give you priority over other applicants by virtue of your school enrollment.
Leboncoin.fr, Pap.fr, Entreparticuliers.com, Wannonce.com sont spécialisés sur les petites annonces entre particuliers.
Restez toutefois très vigilants dans ce contexte sans tiers de confiance.
Pour éviter les principales arnaques, suivez les conseils donnés par Lokaviz et L’Etudiant. Ensuite, avant de signer, pensez à effectuer les vérifications recommandées par Ufc Que Choisir.
Similar to a dating site, Locatme.fr puts tenants and landlords in contact according to their profiles and criteria (age, financial situation, non-smoker…). Algorithms “calculates their compatibility level” before the parties are put in contact; this helps to avoid unnecessary visits and hopes.
Operating on the same principle, Somhome.com, offers to create one’s profile as on a social network, with one’s criteria, situation and tastes, and to create one’s file online with all the required documents. A timetable system facilitates the organization of visits.
The landlords are the ones who contact you after having reviewed your search.
The Studyenjoy.com platform is designed to help students find free accommodations. The concept is one of an exchange of service. Your parents leave your room at the disposal of an international student and, in return, you move into a room left vacant by another student. To facilitate exchanges, it is not a requirement that this room be the room of the student that your parents are hosting.
Roomlala.com acts as a trusted third party in the rental of housing between private owners for a period of time that can be defined in terms of number of days, weeks or months. It offers studios, shared accommodation, rooms in residences or in private homes.
Room exchange or rental
It is possible to find roommates on private websites; however, some specific services are dedicated to this increasingly popular practice.
Appartager.com proposes a large number of ads and asks you to create a profile beforehand.
Tip: make a short and humorous bio (don’t forget that those who look at your profile may be your future roommates.
If the posting of an ad is free, access to a member’s contact information will require a subscription, unless the member is already a subscriber.
Another way to approach shared accommodation: Lacartedescolocs.fr provides an interactive map on which you can search, by district or neighborhood, for the housing of your choice.
Coopcoloc.fr specializes in shared accommodations in the Paris area and offers quality housing at prices below market prices.
If you are a foreign student enrolled in a university in France or a French student enrolled abroad, why not use this time to become bilingual?
This is the wager made by Room4talk.com to bring together young people who wish to teach each other a foreign language.
Another option: intergenerational co-location, via Leparisolidaire.fr, Colocation-adulte.fr or Ensemble2générations. Many seniors have unused rooms in their homes or apartments. An opportunity for the web site’s founders to offer young people a roof over their heads “giving the senior in return a presence, a sense of security, and an exchange of small favors”.
For those who have problems with finding their perfect roommate, ‘roomie-dating’ sessions are also often organized by the CROUS (regional centers for university and school activities), and on Facebook groups dedicated to housing (see Social networks section).
In order to find other vacancies, there is always the possibility of going through real estate professionals, either through physical agencies or via the following sites. However, this requires having the available funds to pay a commission to the agency.
Seloger.com, a real estate leader, has the advantage of offering a wide choice of real estate agency listings, effective search filters and expert advice that answers the most common questions.
Explorimmo.com and Logic-immo.com have the same positioning.
If you cannot travel to visit the apartment of your dreams and you fear it will pass you by? No problem! Thanks to Flatlooker.com, you can take a 360-degree tour of the apartment while sitting on you couch.
The Immojeune.com website, with its user-friendly and practical interface, allows you to apply online by entering your key information.
Adele.org, is specialized in the search for rooms or apartments in student residences. It allows you to submit your application online and, if accepted, to sign the lease directly.
With nearly 280,000 housing units referenced, location-etudiant.fr proposes accommodations tailored to students’ needs (often rooms, residences and small, inexpensive housing).
Uniplaces enables you to book your accommodation online using a secure payment method. The offers are located in Europe’s major student cities.
Lokaviz.fr , the platform launched by Crous d’Ile-de-France, connects students and owners of studios and rooms for rent. It hosts ads for more than 152,000 homes and 694 residences in 246 French cities. The search engine is well designed and includes multiple criteria (maximum rent, location, type of accommodation, availability date, etc.). Moreover, all the rentals listed benefit from the Crous label, which guarantees a location in the vicinity of the establishments, a reasonable rent and “respect for good practices in terms of rental relations between the landlord and the tenant”.. While the ads are visible to everyone, to obtain the owners’ contact information, you must sign up for this free service.
Some real estate agencies, such as Bed&School.com, pecialize in student housing. Other entities can also be of assistance, for example the CEP Entraide étudiants, which manages more than 2,000 rooms and studios.
For additional addresses to explore: Studylease.com or LocService.fr list offers in residences, shared accommodation, private owners, or solidarity exchanges between students. You can also post your search on Logement-etudiant.com, by submitting a request form, which is then forwarded to the site’s housing partners. In return, offers corresponding to your request are sent to you, free of charge, by email.
If your request is difficult to meet, or if you are looking for a more rewarding housing experience, you can contact the Kaps. These solidarity shared apartments offer a very affordable rent in exchange for a few hours of volunteer work per week.
There are other good deals such as renting a room in a private home in exchange for some services on Toitchezmoi.com or lodging in vacant premises via Camelot.
And finally, don’t overlook social networks! They are the perfect place to post an alert to your Facebook contacts or participate in chat groups about housing and share tips. Many groups exist, starting with the Wanted Community Paris.
You will also be able to find others on Youse and Papernest.
There is bound to be a suitable option for you!
We have been receiving many inquiries about housing and especially about the requirement of having a guarantor who lives in France to find an apartment.
What is a guarantor?
In most cases, landlords or lessors will ask you to provide a guarantor to protect their rental revenues. A guarantor is legally responsible to pay the rent for you if you default.
Who can be your guarantor?
You can use Garantme on www.garantme.fr
The school partners with Garantme to support housing for students. You can apply on their website (www.garantme.fr) in 5 minutes to qualify for their service.
The Student Hotel is also in partnership with the school. It offers modern and fully furnished lodgings.
56 rue Roque de Fillol – 92800 Puteaux
Téléphone : +33(0)1 49 03 51 00
his financial support is granted depending on the type of lodging, regardless of your family situation or your nationality – subject to proof of a residence permit valid for foreign persons. There is no minimum age requirement.