Preparing for a written test at EDC Paris Business School
Preparing for a written test
Without proper preparation, a written test can quickly become a source of stress. Indeed, the most prestigious programs have very specific admission requirements. This is particularly true of our Grande École Program, for which our students are selected by competitive examination. Don't panic: with a few tips and enough hard work, this test will be a mere formality! Find out how to make the most of your chances.
Preparing for a written test: before taking the plunge
The first step in preparing for a written test is to determine the exact nature of what you will be asked to do. In our Programme Grande École, For example, the competitive entrance exam will differ depending on whether you are applying to enter the first year or to join the program in the third or fourth year. If you are applying for the first year, you will need to take the Concours SESAME, an entrance exam common to 14 leading international business and management schools. It includes a multiple-choice test on reasoning and skills, a documentary analysis, a test on contemporary issues and a language test, English being compulsory. The entrance exam for 3rd or 4th year, on the other hand, is the Concours Ambitions +. This consists of two online written tests (one in creativity and one in English) and an oral test.
Time management
You probably won't start preparing for a written test a few days before the exam, for the good reason that the registration process itself follows a very precise timetable. So it's a safe bet that time will be on your side, provided you plan ahead. Don't underestimate the importance of dedicating strict time slots to your revision and training. For many people, it's impossible to make progress without concrete objectives. For example, plan "blocks" of time so that you can concentrate on one task at a time. However, don't think too far ahead: it's better to take it easy if you want to keep going over the long term.
Practice tests and mock exams: the key to mastering the exercise
You may have heard this advice many times before, but it's so essential when it comes to preparing for a written test that it deserves to be stressed again. Practice. Over and over again. Use and abuse the annals available online or in hard copy, and practice with the subjects from previous years. The books usually come with answers, sometimes in detail, to help you become aware of the pitfalls you're up against.
If you really want to prepare for a competitive written test, there are three steps to follow. The first is to complete the exercises with the help of your notes and, if necessary, models, so that you fully understand what is being asked of you. The second stage immerses you even more in the spirit of the test, which you'll have to complete without any documents, but taking all the time you need. Finally, once you feel comfortable enough, move on to real-life preparation. Time yourself and complete the exercises within the allotted time. That way, when the time comes, you won't be caught off guard.
General culture to set you apart
Possessing a rich and diversified general culture can make all the difference between a good candidate and an excellent one! While this facet of your profile comes more naturally to the fore during composition tests or oral interviews, don't overlook its role in the MCQs. Spending time honing your knowledge of a range of subjects will sharpen your deductive skills and help you to analyze the information presented to you more quickly.
As for editorial tests, the weight that graders give to an excellent command of language is just one more reason to find something to feed your pen. Reading essays and press articles (Sciences Humaines, Historia, Le Monde, etc.) will not only enable you to acquire notions that could prove useful, but also develop your analytical skills. Each time you read an article, take a moment to summarize it and practice writing in the author's style. As part of your preparation for a written exam, such efforts will never be superfluous!
English, of course !
Of course, you won't be able to achieve a satisfactory level of English in a few weeks from scratch. Fortunately, your entire school career will have introduced you to the language and given you the foundations you need to succeed in preparing for this written test. The first step is to review any grammar points you may have difficulty with. Then boost your vocabulary by concentrating on topics related to those on the exam. There's no secret to this: get some vocabulary lists and devote at least 15 minutes a day to memorizing them.
Consider strengthening your daily interaction with the English language. There's no shortage of resources! You could, for example, systematically watch videos in English rather than in French. And don't hesitate to chat with English speakers. There are even services that enable you to converse with Anglo-Saxon students who want to improve their command of French. They'll correct your mistakes when you're chatting in English, and you'll correct theirs when you're chatting in French.
Before the big day: rest and relaxation
Preparing for a written test also involves a healthy lifestyle, so you can be in top form. The day before the test, do your final strategic revisions by rereading your flashcards. Prepare your belongings and check on the Internet how to get to the examination center, if necessary. Once you've taken these last few precautions, take the rest of the day off! On the big day, remind yourself of all the effort you've put in, and tell yourself that you've really done your best.

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