Master of Science: the benefits of this training
By enrolling for an M.Sc In in a master’s degree at EDC Paris Business School, you are opting for professional training programme with an international scope.
Why apply for the M.Sc In for his master’s degree?
The M.Sc In (Masters of Science) at EDC Paris Business School are professional training courses that are followed over one or two years. They are RNCP (Répertoire National de la Certification Professionnelle) certified diplomas equivalent to five years of higher education and are internationally recognized. These programmes offer a number of advantages for those who wish to enter the workforce with real professional experience. So why choose a M.Sc In for your master’s degree? Elements of answer.
What is a Master of Science?
Choosing a M.Sc In for your master’s degree means choosing a high-level degree offering specialisations in numerous promising sectors and cutting-edge activities. The scope international of our M.Sc In courses makes them recognized and appreciated by the professional world. In other words, they are programs designed for the international market. For example, our M.Sc In Business International is taught in English and is designed for careers abroad.
The objective of this type of course is to provide specialized education and a real master’s degree in targeted areas such as corporate finance, international trade or digital marketing. Expertise is the key word!
Who is this training for?
You must have a degree at Bac +3 level to enter a Master of Science (M.Sc In) in the first year, a Bac +4 level for the second year, or a bachelor’s degree. It is of course preferable to have followed studies related to the field targeted by this training, even if it is possible to come from a different university.
In such cases, it is therefore necessary to have a good command of English: a TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) or a TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) may be required for admission: they are not compulsory at EDC Paris Business School. Moreover, admission is selective. Only the best profiles are chosen to integrate a M.Sc In in a master’s degree.
Another prerequisite for taking a Master of Science is to have already had the opportunity to do an internship in a company. The students selected come from a wide variety of backgrounds and are generally motivated by the professional atmosphere of the courses offered.
What are the advantages of choosing an M.Sc In master’s degree?
One of the main advantages of joining one of the Masters of Science programs offered by EDC Paris Business School is undoubtedly the high level of employability enjoyed by the young graduates. Both in France and abroad, recruiters are looking for this type of profile.
All of our M.Sc In master’s programs are designed to meet the needs of businesses. They are therefore aimed at pragmatic students who wish to give priority to concrete learning rather than more theoretical courses. However, the latter are not forgotten, quite the contrary: they are based on practical teaching, according to a carefully studied pedagogy.
As mentioned above, each Master of Science is associated with a speciality. This choice is not insignificant: seminars, workshops and internships are oriented according to a precise methodology. Everything is done so that the student obtains a baggage of skills in line with both his professional project and the expectations of recruiters.
What are the different types of Masters of Science offered by EDC Paris Business School?
At EDC Paris Business School, we allow you to integrate several specializations into our programs. Here is the list of the different Masters of Science (M.Sc In) in initial training that are available to you within our establishment, and which are taught in English:
- International Business: a program designed for a successful career in international trade and business management abroad.
- Innovation & Entrepreneurship: to learn how to ensure a constant professional watch and to improve the efficiency of companies through better risk management.
- Corporate Finance: to acquire a mastery of financial tools, to understand and anticipate the needs of companies, and to have the expertise sought by recruiters in the area of finance.
The following programs are offered in French. The course of study takes place initially, either by work-study programmes via a professionalization contract, or by including an alternating internship:
- M.Sc Global Luxury Brand Management: curriculum in English and initial training in partnership with Sup de Luxe. This course focuses on luxury retail, as well as on the management of teams composed of creative people.
- Audit and Management Control: to occupy a position as head of audit or management control. Risk management is at the heart of this course.
- Business Project Management: training in management and value creation. The student learns how to manage teams and solve problems.
- Data Science & Business Analysis: we integrate this M.Sc In as a master’s degree to acquire a thorough knowledge of data structure, analysis and visualization.
- Digital Marketing: a degree specializing in digital communication codes, exploitation of Big Data, design and deployment of digital strategies for customer acquisition.
- Corporate Finance: the aim of this course is to train management controllers capable of analysing the right performance indicators and setting up appropriate budgeting processes.
- Commercial Management and Business Development: the objective of this course is to enable students to understand business opportunities and learn how to negotiate in the professional context of major accounts.

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