Meet us at the Salon des Entrepreneurs trade show from 6-7 February 2019
The 26th edition of the Salon des Entrepreneurs trade show will be held in Paris from 6–7 February 2019.
This is the largest gathering of entrepreneurs in Europe, bringing together start-up owners, entrepreneurs who have started or taken over businesses, self-employed entrepreneurs, SOHOs, SMEs, independent contractors, craftsmen and tradespeople.
Meet us at Stand 101.
Sharing our expertise with entrepreneurs
Research professors, students and experts will be providing project leaders with advice and will carry out assignments throughout the school year:
Business Plan
Market research
Business takeover
Strategic analysis
Operational development (marketing, international, etc.)
Get your invitation
Get your free invitation from EDC Paris Business School! Download your ticket

Sessions d’information mentoring
21 09 2022 | Entreprise I Nos actualités
Vous êtes étudiant ou ancien de l’EDC ? Vous avez un projet de création d’entreprise ou de reprise d’entreprise ? Mettez toutes les chances de réussite de votre côté, intégrez EDCube !
Your campus at La Défense !
29 09 2021 | Our news
Watch a video of your new campus in the heart of La Défense
Votre campus à la Défense !
29 09 2021 | Nos actualités
Découvre en vidéo votre nouveau campus situé au coeur de la Défense