International professions: choosing the right career path
Discover the keys to a successful international career. Practical advice for choosing and excelling in international professions.
Which course to choose for international careers ?
Business schools are opening up to the world by offering curricula that enable students to prepare their students for international careers. Import-export, finance, management, business, commerce or post-baccalaureate international relations studies - the options are numerous. If such careers are accessible after different career paths, prioritize certain upstream approaches will give you the opportunity to boost your employability at the end of your studies.
It is also advisable to complement your training with international internships or university exchanges to gain practical experience and develop a global professional network. The key is to choose a field you're passionate about, while considering the international career prospects it offers.
A school specializing in international professions
There are many schools offering post-baccalaureate courses in international relations, but not all are equal when it comes to preparing for a career abroad. Some schools offer an entirely theoretical approach, enabling you to obtain an MSc in international business thanks to collaborations with foreign universities and discovery programs. Other programs, on the other hand, emphasize a truly global outlook, integrating internships in various countries into their curricula to give you the closest possible experience of the world of work. This is particularly true of the Master of Science International Business issued by EDC Paris Business School.
The "Sésame" competitive entrance exam is considered to be the one that brings together schools with a truly international vocation. Studying at an institute that bases its post-baccalaureate admissions system on this competitive examination ensures that the courses offered are perfectly suited to preparing for an international career. Always choose schools that offer courses in English. Not only do such schools offer their students the keys to becoming perfectly bilingual, but they are also open to candidates from the four corners of the globe for even more enriching encounters. When you come into contact with people from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds, your projects become more innovative and forward-looking.
A knowledge base on which to build your career path
Whatever you choose to do - post-baccalauréat international relations studies, MSc International business or another basic course of study that will enable you to work abroad - make sure you have a solid foundation of knowledge.
Today's corporate world is governed by a number of fundamental values and habits that young graduates absolutely must master. For example, don't overlook the importance of soft skills, which can make all the difference between a good manager and an excellent leader. Transdisciplinarity must therefore be at the heart of your career path, to promote your adaptability and capacity for innovation. All social, environmental and digital issues need to be considered with the utmost attention.
The sphere of business and international relations can no longer be imagined without the immense influence of digital technology. Solid notions of coding, data analysis, design thinking and a good understanding of the current applicability of artificial intelligence technologies will prove crucial. As digital transformation is already well advanced within the various sectors of international business, make sure you choose a course that gives it the place it deserves.
Specialize to find international jobs
If your desire to work abroad is enough on its own to be an excellent reason to take an interest in international careers, you'll get even further if you start with a concrete project. If you opt for post-baccalaureate studies in international relations or an MSc in international business, for example, you'll be able to boost your profile by acquiring expertise based on the geopolitical and cultural characteristics of your chosen sector.
You can also turn to a « Programme grande école » which will form the basis of a solid education and help secure your career path. Afterwards, it's up to you to choose a specialization that matches your aspirations. That's why it's so important to choose a school that puts the emphasis on tailor-made courses, to which students are free to give the focus they desire. You'll be able to focus on management, corporate finance, business, entrepreneurship, digital marketing and more.
International careers are open to all candidates with a genuine desire to develop professionally beyond their own borders. Choose a school that shares your values, that will guide you to success as soon as you graduate, and that will give you the keys to a successful future.
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