Post bac or prépa ? Information to help you make your choice
What are the differences between prep school and post-baccalauréat ?
High school students and their parents often struggle to make sense of all the options available to students aiming for a career in business. Choosing between a preparatory school and a post-baccalaureate business school, in particular, requires an understanding of the real differences between the two options. Find out what you need to know to start your higher education with confidence!
Post-baccalaureate business schools: a prestigious diploma and a clear career path
The first major difference between a preparatory school and a programme Grande École as proposed by l’EDC Paris Business School concerns the conduct of the studies in question.
Post-baccalaureate business schools are accessible via a competitive entrance examination (Sésame, for example) immediately after the baccalaureate. One of the most tangible advantages of this formula is that students only have to qualify once, and can then spend their entire course at the same institution. At the end of the program, the student obtains a Master's degree in the specialization of his or her choice, and can take advantage of a solid network to quickly find a job.
Indeed, business schools offering post-baccalaureate programs emphasize formative experiences that punctuate the academic calendar. Students are also encouraged to take part in internships abroad, get involved in different types of projects, or work on sandwich courses. Once they have completed their studies, they are equipped with a wide range of practical skills that can be applied directly to the world of work, facilitating their employability.
Finally, the support provided by post-baccalaureate business schools is consistent and qualitative. And because the course takes place over five years, the time factor is less critical, enabling learners to acquire skills at a comfortable pace. What's more, the bonds forged in five years are stronger than in three, which is bound to have positive repercussions on young graduates' working lives.
Preparatory school: high-level training, but many challenges to overcome
Unlike post-baccalaureate courses, preparatory courses take place in two stages: two years dedicated to the preparatory course itself, followed by three years at a school to specialize. To get that far, however, you first need to be accepted into a preparatory course, and then sit a competitive entrance exam to enter the school of your choice.
Competitive and very intense, this preparatory course is designed for students aiming for specific institutions such as ESCP, Essec or HEC. It prepares students for the entrance exams of grandes écoles that do not offer a post-baccalauréat curriculum. They acquire the methodological foundations they need to stand a chance, but no professional knowledge. Nor can they take part in internships or work-study programs.
Once you've been admitted to a post-prep business school, the first year is usually devoted to generalist courses to familiarize you with the fundamental aspects of management. This does not mean, however, that it will be any less difficult, quite the contrary, as everything must be covered in order to be able to begin the two years of specialization immediately afterwards. In fact, it's during this year that you need to decide which specialization you want to pursue. For those who have chosen their school for a specific course of study, this may be the obvious choice. For others, it's an added pressure.
When choosing between a post-baccalaureate business school and a preparatory school, start by asking yourself exactly what you want to achieve. Both require a high level of motivation and will lead to a prestigious diploma, but their curricula are not structured in the same way. It's up to you to decide which approach suits you best.
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