Associate Professor

Statut : Associate Professor

Department : Finance

Diplomas and specializations : PhD, Business Administration, Middle East Technical University, (Turkey)

Research fields : Financial Markets , Investment Management, Energy Finance, Sustainable Finance, Quantitative Decision Methods

Courses taught : Financial accounting, Business Plan «Finance», Corporate Finance, Quantitative methods for finance

Selected publications:

Kocaarslan, B., Soytas, U. (2021) “Reserve currency and the volatility of clean energy stocks: The role of uncertainty” Energy Economics, 105645. (SSCI & Scopus).

Kocaarslan, B. (2021) “How does the reserve currency (US dollar) affect the diversification capacity of green bond investments? ” Journal of Cleaner Production, 307, 127275. (SCI-Expanded & Scopus).

Kocaarslan, B., Soytas, U. (2021) “The Asymmetric Impact of Funding Liquidity Risk on the Volatility of Stock Portfolios during the COVID-19 Crisis” Sustainability, 13(4), 2286. (SSCI & Scopus).

Ugurlu‐Yildirim, E., Kocaarslan, B., Ordu‐Akkaya, B. M. (2021) “Monetary policy uncertainty, investor sentiment, and US stock market performance: New evidence from nonlinear cointegration analysis” International Journal of Finance & Economics, 26(2), 1724-1738. (SSCI & Scopus).

Kocaarslan, B., Soytas, M. A., Soytas, U. (2020) “The asymmetric impact of oil prices, interest rates and oil price uncertainty on unemployment in the US” Energy Economics, 86, 104625. (SSCI & Scopus).

Kocaarslan, B. (2020) “Volatility spillover between uncertainty in financial and commodity markets and Turkish stock market” Business and Economics Research Journal, 11(1), 119-129. (EconLit)

Kocaarslan, B. (2020) “Volatility Transmission Between US Economic Policy Uncertainty and BIST (Borsa Istanbul) Major Sector Indices” Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(3), 3221-3238. (EconLit)

Kocaarslan, B., Soytas, U. (2019) “Asymmetric pass-through between oil prices and the stock prices of clean energy firms: New evidence from a nonlinear analysis” Energy Reports, 5, 117-125. (SCI-Expanded & Scopus).

Kocaarslan, B., Soytas, U. (2019) “Dynamic correlations between oil prices and the stock prices of clean energy and technology firms: The role of reserve currency (US dollar)” Energy Economics, 84, 104502. (SSCI & Scopus).

Kocaarslan, B., Soytas, U., Sari, R., Ugurlu, E. (2019) “The changing role of financial stress, oil price, and gold price in financial contagion among US and BRIC markets” International Review of Finance, 19(3), 541-574. (SSCI & Scopus).

Kocaarslan, B., Sari, R., Gormus, A., Soytas, U. (2017) “Dynamic correlations between BRIC and US stock markets: The asymmetric impact of volatility expectations in oil, gold and financial markets” Journal of Commodity Markets, 7, 41-56. (SSCI & Scopus).

Kocaarslan, B., Sari, R., Soytas, U. (2017) “Are There Any Diversification Benefits Among Global Finance Center Candidates in Eurasia? ” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 53(2), 357-374. (SSCI & Scopus).