Four good reasons to opt for a work-study programme

Combining work and study is the best way to gain an education in a particular sector quickly, and get paid to do so. However, this is not the only advantage.

Concrete professional training

A work-study programme is a way of learning a real profession. Have you completed 3 years of higher education? You can do a Master’s degree in a work-study format, allowing you to obtain a 5-year degree. Working and studying at the same time gives students hands-on professional experience in a company. While part of their training takes place at the school, the student also has a working contract with a company and employee status. They are therefore trained in the field with professionals. After training, they already possess the codes of the working world and are quickly employable, something which is greatly appreciated by companies. In addition, the end goal of most host companies is to hire the student at the end of their studies.

The best way to confirm a career choice

Alternating between time at school and time in a company allows students to look at whether they have made the right career choices. They are able to apply their theoretical knowledge and, when confronted with the realities of the job, can evaluate whether the job they have chosen really fits with their expectations and skills. They can easily make a change if they discover they are not cut out for the job.

Training conducive to building a professional network

As part of their in-company training, students have the opportunity to work with many professionals, whether they be colleagues, suppliers or customers. For students, this is a unique opportunity to create a professional network which will help them in looking for work, and then throughout their career. They therefore have every interest in maintaining strong relationships with all of their professional partners.

Training costs covered by the company

In a work-study programme, tuition fees are covered by the company. The student therefore only has to pay for their own transport and housing costs. Depending on the type of contract, the student’s age and level of qualification, they will receive a small salary which may range from 25% of the minimum wage to the full amount. Companies may even choose to pay more than the minimum legal requirement.


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21 09 2022 | Entreprise I Nos actualités

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