Apprenticeship contract: how does it work?
The apprenticeship contract enables students to train while gradually integrating the world of work. For companies, it represents a valuable opportunity to train future employees who are perfectly suited to their specific needs. Are you interested in management training? The Grande École Program offered by EDC Paris Business School is based on innovative teaching methods and includes a professionalization dimension thanks to the apprenticeship contract available at the end of the course.
What is an apprenticeship contract ?
The apprenticeship contract is a special form of work-study contract, designed to help young people enter the workforce while continuing their studies. It is based on alternating periods of theoretical training, generally provided by a school or training center, with periods of practical work on the job. The aim is to provide apprentices with a comprehensive academic and practical training program, enabling them to acquire the skills they need to succeed in the professional world.
The apprenticeship contract should not be confused with the “contrat de professionnalisation” (professional training contract), which is quite similar in terms of its operation, but is aimed more specifically at jobseekers and adults seeking to gain qualifications or retrain.
Young people aged 16 to 29 can sign an apprenticeship contract to prepare for a diploma ranging from a CAP (Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle) to a Master's degree. Young people aged 15 can also sign an apprenticeship contract if they have completed their third year of secondary school. Beyond the age of 29, exceptions apply to certain categories of people, such as disabled workers or people planning to set up or take over a business.
All companies, whatever their sector of activity, can take on apprentices. Companies with fewer than 250 employees benefit from financial incentives to encourage the recruitment of apprentices. Companies with more than 250 employees must meet a quota of apprentices in their workforce to avoid an additional contribution. The company undertakes to provide the apprentice with comprehensive vocational training, and to pay him or her in accordance with the legal provisions in force.
The advantages of an apprenticeship contract
Apprenticeship contracts offer many advantages for students and companies alike. It provides an effective bridge between the worlds of education and the workplace, helping students to enter the job market and meeting the needs of employers.
The apprenticeship contract enables students to acquire practical skills directly in the field, enriching their theoretical training. In addition to this valuable experience, apprentices receive a salary, calculated as a percentage of the minimum wage, to help finance their studies. Last but not least, work-study schemes make it much easier for apprentices to enter the job market, as employers appreciate the combination of academic training and practical experience.
For companies, the apprenticeship contract represents an opportunity to train young people according to their specific needs, imparting skills and methods specific to their sector. In addition, companies benefit from a range of financial and tax advantages, such as hiring subsidies and exemptions from social security contributions. Welcoming apprentices also enhances the company's image, demonstrating its commitment to the training and professional integration of young people.
How does the apprenticeship contract work?
The apprenticeship contract can last from 1 to 3 years, depending on the qualification. During this period, the apprentice alternates between on-the-job training and theoretical courses at a CFA (apprentice training center). The rhythm of the alternation varies, but is generally organized so that the apprentice spends between 50% and 75% of his or her time at the company.
The training establishment plays a crucial role in providing theoretical courses and pedagogical support for the apprentice. The CFA's teachers and trainers work closely with the company to ensure that the training provided in the classroom is in line with the practical skills acquired in the field. The school also assists the apprentice with administrative formalities and regularly monitors his or her progress.
The company is committed to providing the apprentice with high-quality practical training. An apprentice master, often an experienced employee, is appointed to supervise the apprentice, pass on his or her know-how and support the apprentice throughout his or her training. The company must respect the terms of the contract, particularly with regard to the apprentice's remuneration, and ensure that the apprentice's tasks are in line with training objectives.
Apprentices enjoy rights similar to those of other employees, including remuneration, social protection and vacation entitlement. In return, they have specific duties to attend classes regularly, abide by the rules and take their training seriously.
Companies also have rights and duties under the apprenticeship contract. They must provide practical training that corresponds to the diploma being prepared, supervise the apprentice and guarantee working conditions that comply with legislation.
How to sign an apprenticeship contract ?
The first step for students is to find a company willing to take them on. This can be done via a number of channels, including professional and personal networks, job portals and platforms dedicated to work-study schemes. School services, such as relationships and partnerships, can also be invaluable. What's more, taking part in specialized job fairs and recruitment forums is also highly recommended to multiply your chances of success.
Once a company has been identified, the student must put together a solid application file. This should include a CV and covering letter highlighting skills, experience and motivation for the apprenticeship. It's also important to include transcripts of grades and diplomas, as well as a career plan outlining ambitions and how the apprenticeship fits into these plans.
Once the application has been submitted, the student must undergo selection interviews. If they are successful, they can then negotiate the terms of the contract with the company, such as duration, assignments and remuneration.
EDC Paris Business School's Grande École Program offers students the opportunity to follow an apprenticeship starting in 4th year. This allows students to alternate between periods spent at the company and classes at the school, enriching their academic career with high-quality professional immersion.