Management Teleworking: How do you manage a remote team ?
The use of telecommuting has gradually become widespread, following the confinements caused by the Covid pandemic two years ago. This new way of working has revolutionized a well-established corporate culture. Above all, it is forcing managers to rethink the way they manage their teams, as it is not easy to assess the productivity and performance of employees who can only be seen in dotted lines. What are the best practices for managing teleworking?
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How can management adapt to teleworking ?
Telecommuting is no longer a temporary solution, and managers are having to adapt to this new form of organization: it's now called "remote management". Telecommuting can be occasional, part-time (referred to as "hybrid working") or even 100%, as is increasingly the case. One thing is certain: in the world of work organization, the rise of remote management and telecommuting is a veritable revolution.
Whether managing employees from home or from the office, managers need to have confidence in their teams: distrust is the worst enemy of commitment and productivity. When telecommuting, each employee is responsible for his or her own workload and time management: they must be evaluated according to their results. The only thing that counts is what you do. Not where, how or when they do it.
Management must clearly establish its teleworking policy, describing all the rules to be followed. The company's intranet can be used to gather internal documents that will serve as a template for describing best practices and work processes in each department.
It's a good idea to set up tools that will help employees get organized and carry out their tasks more easily, making sure everyone is properly equipped: project management tools (ClickUp, Asana...), videoconferencing platform (Zoom, Skype...), file transfer solutions (WeTransfer, YouSendit...), homogeneous office suite (Word, Excel...) , online storage space (Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive...).
The main rule of remote management is to think in terms of objectives to be achieved, which implies a new way of collaborating. These objectives must be measurable and clearly explained in advance. The manager needs to take a step back and not demand accountability for every micro-task performed. However, he or she should not be afraid to be ambitious, which will not only strengthen autonomy but also employee commitment.
What are the challenges of telecommuting management ?
Teleworking offers many advantages: less time spent commuting for employees, a reduction in certain costs for the company (premises, running costs...), the possibility of recruiting talent from all over the world... It also raises new challenges, as associating teleworking and management is not necessarily self-evident.
The first risk factor associated with teleworking is the feeling of isolation. No more meetings, no more informal exchanges at the coffee machine, no more "real" meetings, no more team lunches... the feeling of dehumanization can lead to a loss of motivation. That's why we recommend maintaining a few face-to-face days a month to maintain social life, and organizing group meetings by videoconference to preserve spontaneous interactions.
Management also needs to establish clear rules when implementing its teleworking policy. Not everyone can work remotely, at least not all the time. Some employees need to be on site to handle specific non-transportable equipment, while others must continue to travel frequently to meet customers. Other conditions to be respected are working hours and working times (which should preferably be the same for everyone). The manager must also be precise about deadlines for deliverables, so as not to leave the employee on his or her own.
In the absence of a home IT service, any technical problem can be a serious handicap: computer breakdown, poor Wi-Fi connection... It's best to anticipate this kind of inconvenience by providing remote IT assistance and replacement equipment.
Telecommuting also presents a number of data security risks. The risks of cyber-attacks with sometimes catastrophic consequences are more frequent at home (phishing, data theft, ransomware...). Managers need to ensure that all workstations are equipped with secure messaging systems and effective anti-virus protection. They can also offer training in corporate cybersecurity.
How do you motivate a teleworking team ?
To be successful, any project must be well defined. Adopting good telecommuting management practices starts with getting to the heart of the matter, especially when it comes to complex business issues. Formalize your project follow-up by writing down your objectives, any milestones to be reached and the resources involved.
Technological worries can be a source of demotivation for employees, as well as wasting precious time. Make sure everyone is equipped with the best remote working tools.
In business too, human relations are the key to success, and the coldness of digital tools can make us forget this. The manager must show his face, encourage everyone's participation, and reward good initiatives and new ideas. It's also possible to organize remote team-building sessions, for example by taking part in monthly online games (quizzes, surveys, escape rooms...).
5 best practices for managing your teleworking teams
1. Manage teleworking
All employees are entitled to respect for their private lives, and should not be available 24 hours a day. The right to disconnect is an obligation: it's important to set limits by establishing fixed time slots and breaks, just like in the office. Managing a telecommuting team also means taking into account the well-being of your employees.
2. Faire confiance
Employees need independence, but they also need to feel that their manager trusts them if they are to work in peace. Avoid the proliferation of meetings, nuisance calls and remote monitoring software that measures time spent in front of the screen. Instead, set weekly objectives and ask for regular progress reports. Managing telecommuting employees does not rule out a certain amount of control, but only if you know how to dose it.
3. Maintain contact
Managing from home also means compensating for less visibility with more availability. The manager must always be reachable by telephone, and not hesitate to contact his or her colleagues regularly, even informally, through individual or team calls (don't forget that a call téléphonique sera toujours plus chaleureux qu’un email).
4. Apply the feedback culture
Employees need independence, but they also need to feel that their manager is at their side. Regular, positive feedback is essential to maintain employee motivation and commitment, as it proves that their work counts and that their commitment is valued.
5. Encourage and support
Managers need to be able to recognize stressful situations and show empathy. Some employees suffer from teleworking, a situation that doesn't always suit them very well. Regular feedback can also be an opportunity to take stock of the employee's physical and moral health, without of course being too intrusive, but simply concerned. Is the employee experiencing difficulties? Does he need to be better supervised? Do certain processes need to be modified? All these questions are legitimate and deserve to be asked.
Would you like to acquire both managerial and strategic skills to move into high-level management positions in Human Resources? Our Master of Science Ressources Humaines et Conduite du changement will help you to master the various challenges of today's and tomorrow's work organization.
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