Vendeur pour une enseigne de luxe
Marketing Les 4 bonnes raisons d’opter pour l’alternance
Marketing Les 3 meilleurs start-up logistiques de transport de meubles ont été fondées par des anciens de l’EDC !
Entrepreneuriat Quelle insertion professionnelle après une école de commerce ?
Entrepreneuriat Les 3 qualités essentielles d’un bon manager
Management An Analysis of the Effect of Investor Sentiment in a Heterogeneous Switching Transition Model for G7 Stock Market
Publications Pourquoi continuons-nous à utiliser les réseaux sociaux numériques ? La boucle du don qui nourrit les liens sociaux médiatés
Publications What Will Entail Adoption of a Mobile Coaching Service? The Case of Smoking Cessation Services
Publications Managing Status: How Luxury Brands Shape Class Subjectivities in the Service Encounter Dion – Journal of Marketing, 81(5), 67–85.
Publications Investissements et projets entrepreneuriaux face aux stéréotypes de genre Abdoulkarim IDI CHEFFOU et Annie BELLIER (Université de Cergy-Pontoise)
Publications “Identity construction in the workplace: Different reactions of ethnic minority groups to an organizational diversity policy in a French manufacturing company”
Publications « Gamification and entrepreneurial intentions », Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development.
Publications Foreign investors’ preferences for family involvement and corporate governance: Evidence from Turkey
Publications “Ethnic diversity management in France: A multilevel perspective” International Journal of Manpower
Publications Do Entrepreneurial SMEs Perform Better Because They are More Responsible?
Publications “Identifying the determinants of corporate venture capital strategy: Evidence from French firms”, Forthcoming in International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business,