Financing a business school: what you need to know
How to finance a business school?
In France, a course of study at a business school generally represents a substantial budget. Business schools offer private courses whose fees are far higher than those charged by universities or other specialized schools. And with good reason: they offer top-quality teaching accessible only to the most deserving. Fortunately, there are a number of financing schemes available for anyone struggling to pay for a business school by conventional means. Let's find out what's available to you.
Financing a business school: what do you really pay ?
The activities of establishments such as Business school EDC Paris Business School are expensive. Research, teaching, guest lecturers, international relations with other campuses or companies, services, buildings, administration and even day-to-day operations... all these items represent significant expenses. Tuition fees are therefore used to cover part of these general needs. In the case of the most reputable business schools, they also help to finance the individual support offered to students and the resources made available to them. The bill thus rises rapidly. Fortunately, there are ways to finance your business school.
Scholarships based on social or merit criteria
In the interests of both social diversity and equal opportunity, studies at a Business School can also be eligible for grants. Several options are available, some of which can be combined. The EDC Paris Business School has a merit-based scholarship for students with socio-economic difficulties. Certain courses - the Grande École Program, for example - may be eligible for assistance from the CROUS. Foreign students can take advantage of the Erasmus program. Regional councils also offer assistance. This is the case for the AMIE scholarship in Île-de-France.
Bank loans
For students whose personal circumstances do not allow them to obtain a scholarship, it is possible to finance their business school with a loan from a bank. While this approach is not yet widespread in France, it is becoming increasingly popular. Interest rates are generally low (there are even 0-rate loans) and banks are often quite enthusiastic, especially when it comes to prestigious schools. Indeed, the high employability of graduates and the size of their future salary justify such an effort.
Work-study programs and student jobs
It's also possible to finance your business school on your own, by generating income in conjunction with your studies. In fact, the principle of sandwich courses exists (at least in part) precisely for this reason. There are many advantages to this approach. Of course, students are paid for their work. But also, and above all, they have the opportunity to work within a company belonging to the industry they are destined for. Finally, finding a job is virtually guaranteed, since it's the schools themselves that "place" students with employers through partnerships.
Those for whom a sandwich course is not an option can also find a "odd job" to help finance their studies. However, outside vacation periods, it's best to be wary of this method, which may not leave you enough time to study. As a supplement, however, it is ideal.
Financing a business school isn't that complicated when you know how to go about it and where to get the information you need, depending on your particular situation. So never hesitate to ask for help: the business schools themselves, as well as public and private organizations, are there to support you.
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